Wednesday 15 October 2008
Current Mood: Normal
Currently Listening To: Rihanna - We Ride
Currently Talking to: Nobody
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.

W e e k 4

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?

I haven’t got very far in terms of my coursework but we had a go at digital animation to see where we were with it and what we could do. I created my own characters on PowerPoint and animated them. I’m about to move onto Task 3 now and that involves me editing an image so far so that it reaches magazine standard. A bit like having a picture of a tacky celebrity and airbrushing it so much so they become much more appealing to the reader. But I don’t know what image to use for this; I may just pick an image with both people and landscape in it. That way you can maximise your editing and can edit it so that both factors are brought out immensely. I’m very happy with where I am with my coursework but I have a long way to go if I’m to get the ‘Distinction’ at Level 3 that I’m aiming for.

A f e w s n a p s h o t s o f m y a n i m a t i o n ;

I m a g e o f t h e W e e k :
This week were we again asked to find an image of flower that makes us say ‘Wow.’ But this time we had to find it with the new knowledge this unit has taught us. I found this image on Google and I really like it. The sharpness of the petals and the blurred background really make the image more appealing. I’ve applied a template of the rule of thirds over the top of the image to see if the image is on any of the focus points. The only thing I’ve found is that the edge of the petals are on focus lines but nothing in particular are where the lines cross. The main focus of the flower is the centre and it fills almost all of the middle section. This image is very powerful.

T h e W e e k s j u s t D i s s a p e a r

The weeks just seem to fly by nowadays. I’m at school five days a week and then; the weekends here. That means time for work. Brilliant. I’m joking, I enjoy work. I prefer it because people there are a little more mature than people at school. It’s got to the point where I cannot stand people at school.

T h o u g h t o f t h e W e e k :
“The more you put into life, the more of a star you’ll become.”
posted by billyWATTS;; at 02:03 |