Wednesday 15 October 2008

Current Mood: Normal
Currently Listening To: Mad'House - Like A Prayer
Currently Talking to: Nobody
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.

W e e k 1

F i r s t I m p r e s s i o n s

Well after having a fairly unsettled start to my A Levels, I’ve started the course a week later than I should have. I had my first two lessons of iMedia today and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it! I’ve had a look at the topics that we are studying this year and I’m very happy with the ones we are doing. The units we are going to be studying are:

Unit 1 – Digital Graphics
Unit 2 – Web Authoring
Unit 3 – Digital Animation
Unit 6 – Digital Video
Unit 7 – 2D Game Engines

The subject does look interesting and I have been debating whether to take it since I started thinking about my A Levels in Year 11. Although the course is only a ‘Level 2’ qualification; the course appealed to me more so I disregarded the fact we were starting at Level 2 and then have to build on that to start Level 3. There is also a bonus with this course. That is that I get on really well with our teacher. I had him for GCSE ICT last year and I loved it. He’s a legend. Anyway, back to iMedia. It really has fascinated and will allow me to express myself in a digital way. It’s great that such qualification has been invented!

W h y h a v e I t a k en i M e d i a ?

I decided to take iMedia because I’m not only interested with Media in the 21st Century but I like to get involved with technology and ICT. This then allows me to build up my skills and knowledge of new gadgets that come out. It’s true what they say; boys like to have their toys. That saying is especially true with me; I love learning about new technology. iMedia seemed like the perfect subject for me in a way I suppose. It’s going to allow me to express my interests and create media for other people to view.

I’m still pretty unsure about what I would like to do after I have finished my education. However, I do know that ICT will be more and more involved with professions as time goes on. So whatever I decide to do; this course will definitely help me.

I m a g e o f t h e W e e k
We were asked to find a picture of a flower that makes us say ‘Wow’ this week. This is my personal favourite from the internet. I think that the photographer has managed to capture the flower in such an effective angle; it makes the flower look 3D as oppose to a flat photograph. The sharpness of the petals is amazing. It really does have a good impact on the viewer. The colours look awesome too. It is really effective to have such a vibrant flower in a photograph like this because it adds so much more character than ‘normal’ plants such as daisies and dandelions.

T h o u g h t o f t h e W e e k
“Live everyday as if it was your last. Then do the same tomorrow.”

posted by billyWATTS;; at 01:38 |