Wednesday 15 October 2008
Current Mood: Normal
Currently Listening To: Enrique Iglesias & Kelis - Not in Love
Currently Talking to: Nobody
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.

W e e k 3

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?

I’ve completed all of Task One now and I’m pretty much done with Task 2. I need to just touch up on some of my details and descriptions but other than that, I’m getting on perfect with it. I went home after Period 2 today not only because I was ill but because I wanted quiet time to myself to complete the tasks. Also, I have photo editing software at home and it’s much easier to use software that you’re familiar with. I get on quite well with it at home and was able to demonstrate most of the different types of editing that I said I would. This only leaves a few to do next week but I’m getting on really well with it. It’s great that I’m on the Level 3 course as well; because Level 2 was okay but my abilities stretch a lot further than that.

B i l l y W a t t s v . s N i c o l e R i d l e y

That’s it. Me and Nicole are planning to go head to head with this subject and are out to get better marks than one another. We’re pretty good mates outside of the subject but within it we’ve decided to sit away from each other and not talk to each other. It’s good like that because then Nicole and I can present our work to each other in the long run and bring together both of our creative abilities and learn from one another. It’s good that I have a bit of competition within the class because it will now encourage me to work even harder than I already am. I’ll tell you now, I don’t do losing so Nicole better get ready.

I m a g e o f t h e W e e k :

This week we were asked to include a picture of our favourite cartoon character. I’ve chosen everybody’s favourites Tom & Jerry. I believe these were the two characters that launched comedy amongst children’s television. I remember watching them when I was young so that is probably why I’ve chosen them. I think it’s quite silly how the press have said Tom & Jerry is a violent cartoon; it’s just for comic value.

T h e E n t e r t a i n m e n t H a p p e n i n g s

I think the world of television and celebrity culture is going beyond ridiculous. I’m being serious now. Some celebrities are so up themselves it’s unbelievable and I cannot even for one second think why they would do it. They think that ‘working – class’ people are ‘average’ although the last time I remembered; we were the ones that put them where they are. For example, we buy singers albums so therefore the money in their pockets is ours. Oh yes, then you have the pathetic, fake culture of the television. Programmes such as ‘The X Factor’ or as I like to call it, ‘The fiXed Factor,’ are just too cringe-worthy nowadays. It’s so obvious from the word go who is going to win; as it is usually the person that cries throughout and is shown at every possible moment of air time. I can tell you now; Austin will win ‘The X Factor.’ If I’m wrong, I’m wrong, but the amount of time he’s been given on that show is catastrophic. The only decent reality TV show around these days is Big Brother. That’s all I’m going to say on the matter.

T h o u g h t o f t h e W e e k :
“Bigger things only come to those with bigger dreams, goals and imaginations.”
posted by billyWATTS;; at 01:58 |