Wednesday 15 October 2008
Current Mood: Normal
Currently Listening To: Sam Sparro - Black & Gold
Currently Talking to: Nobody
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.

W h a t d o I t h i n k o f t h e c o u r s e s o f a r?

Well after being on the course for a week now, I’ve really enjoyed it. I think it’s quite funny how some of the people in our class are still struggling behind after 3 weeks when I have done it in 1. It’s really not that difficult. The course is really good and has helped me understand the digital and photography world a little more. As I said last week, it’s great that such a course has been created.

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?

I had done most of Task 1 at home anyway but today I completed my work on the rules of photography and then completed a step by step guide on how to upload images to the computer. Then in my last hour lesson of this week I’m currently doing my diary. The first task was fairly simple and I hope that Mr Myles enters me into the Level 3 course which is worth UCAS Points. Going to university seems pretty bleak at the moment as my concentration levels in my lessons seems to have gone down hill rapidly.

I m a g e o f t h e W e e k :
This is my favourite image that I have found on the internet this week. I like this image because of the use of different tones. The shades of black, white and grey make this image very powerful. I also like the use of ‘texture’ in this image. It isn’t very often that OI find a black and white image that looks so good.

The image is set in New York; usually a very busy place during the daytime. However, I like the way the photographer has used the colour and the weather to create a very sadistic image.

A f t e r a l l t h a t , H e r e c o m e s t h e m o a n i n g . . .

I’m really beginning to get fed up with some people. People need to realise how pathetic they’re behaving and what impacts it’s having on other people. The difference between Year 11 and Year 12 is quite mammoth and some people still haven’t come to terms with that. A majority of the people that used to cause the arguments have left now and are onto better things such as college, full time work etc. However, a very small proportion of these ‘people’ are still at Sixth Form.

I really just want to get on with my A Levels and just pass with the best possible grade I can get. Mind you, I don’t think everything is going perfectly. These people in particular claim to be ‘close mates’ of mine and yet I’ve heard them saying some pretty nasty stuff. Such things have honestly hurt me in a way because I don’t appreciate being called the supposed ‘nastiest word’ in the English Language. I think it’ll be best if I just rise above what their trying to throw at me and get on with my education. That deserves the most attention at the moment.

T h o u g h t o f t h e W e e k :
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

posted by billyWATTS;; at 01:48 |