Wednesday 15 October 2008
Current Mood: Bored / Content
Currently Listening To: Justin Timberlake & Beyonce Knowles - Until the End of Time (Remix)
Currently Talking to: Nobody
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.

Welcome to my iMedia Blog! I'm used to using Blogspot anyway so to put all my posts online will make things a lot easier. Not only that; it's easier to have it all in one place. I don't particulary want my blog to be linked to everyone elses because people tend to steal ideas and don't have any originality. I know I'll be annoyed with it so I'm gunna see if I can have my blog seperate to everyone elses. I don't mind at the end of the course. But there we go. This post is only a small introduction to my iMedia Blog; I'll have to start uploading my diary entries soon. Theres quite a few on here I need to upload. So I'm going to finish it here and get on with editing my blog and making it look alright. Laters.
posted by billyWATTS;; at 01:16 |