Wednesday 22 October 2008
Current Mood: Bored / Iritated
Currently Listening To: Rihanna ft. Jay-Z - Umbrella
Currently Talking to: Nick
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.

W e e k 6

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?

We don’t have a teacher today so we’re in the Sixth Form Common Room completing our projects. It’s scary that I’ve got to get through all of the Level 3 stuff in less than two days! It’s actually insane. But there we go that’s something I’m going to have to get done. So yeah, I’m nearly there with my project for the Level 2 qualification but I’ve got a little bit to go if I want to meet the Level 3 qualification I’m aiming for. By the looks of things though; I will do it to an average standard. Something I don’t want to have to face but you know, I’ll have to deal with it. I’m excited about starting our next unit. We’re now in groups for our ‘mock’ work; which is alright.

L a s t W e e k e n d w a s t h e b e s t !

Oh my good god. Last weekend was the absolute best ever. I went to Sherrie’s 18th Birthday Party at Bottles. Well the run down of my weekend was this; I went out with Katy to town to have a look for a few more things and that and just ended up getting deodorant & that. Not exactly the most exciting thing. I got a big fat McDonalds which was actually horrible because they filled my burger with pepper. Yeah, it weren’t good. So I went home after that and my mum was there going off on one over an argument she had had with my Nan. But yeah, I started to drink at about 4.30ish and was so until about half 8. Then I started to feel ill and waited for Grace, Liz and Kat to come pick me up. The drive there was actually so funny. We started bitching about some girl at work that thinks she can go around and talk about everyone. She needs to realise that she can’t go around talking about me. But anyway, I got there and started drinking again which was wicked. It’s brilliant, getting served at 16. But yeah, I remember dancing all night with these two girls then next thing I knew I was outside and their boyfriends were there. It’s alright, they obviously hadn’t seen me. So I felt alright. Anyway, I then went to the bar to get another WKD but they’d run out. Which kind of annoyed me, but I just went onto Smirnoff, which was all good. All in all, it was a brilliant weekend! Loved every second of it. No hangover either, which was a bonus.

F e a t u r e o f t h e W e e k :

This week I’m going to give my personal, ‘Top 10 Song’s of my Life.’ These songs are the songs that I can get up to anytime they come on and rave my life away majorly. I love good music and that. It’s brilliant. So yup, here is my top 10:

1. Rihanna ft. Jay z - Umbrella
2. Rihanna – Don’t Stop the Music
3. Jennifer lopez – Play
4. Beyonce & Shakira – Beautiful Liar
5. Booty Luv – Boogie2Nite
6. Cherish ft. Young Joc – Killa
7. Danielle Senior – Take it to the Dancefloor
8. The Pussycat Dolls – When I Grow Up
9. Diddy ft. Christina Aguilera – Tell Me
10. Christina Aguilera - Dirrty

T h o u g h t o f t h e W e e k :
“Life is like music. If you want to aim high, turn the volume up.”
posted by billyWATTS;; at 02:00 |