Wednesday 19 November 2008
Current Mood: Okay
Currently Listening To: The X Factor Finalists - Hero
Currently Talking to: Jade & Chick
Current Location: Sixth Form Study Room

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?
I deisigned my animation today and managed to start putting together a 'mock' of it by using Microsoft PowerPoint. I've changed what I'm doing a little because I was originally creating an animation for the new series of Big Brother. However, I've realised that Celebrity Big Brother will be starting in January so I have decided to do an animation for that instead. I'm going to use the same principal but just with the newly designed Celebrity Big Brother logo.

C h r i s t m a s I s A p p r o a ch i n g
Oh great. This is the first year in which I am not excited for Christmas. I don't know what's happened but I'm just not excited at all. Last year I was ill so Christmas was quite lame. But I don't know; I am just not looking forward to it. I'm working most of the Christmas Period this year; but I really do need the money as I need to pay for my laptop. Oh hello Six Hundred and Forty - Nine pounds. Nice to meet you. Not. But yeah, I haven't even begun my Christmas Shopping. Fun. Oh yeah, gotta start working late nights. Woot?

F e a t u r e O f T h e W e e k

For this week's feature; We are to include the 5 things we'd take on a desert island with us.
1. iPod
2. Friends
3. Family.
4. Water/Food
5. Hair gel

T h o u g h t O f T h e W e e k :
"To the world your one person, but to one person you're the world."
posted by billyWATTS;; at 02:42 |