Wednesday 19 November 2008
Current Mood: Hungry

Currently Listening To: Jordin Sparks - Tattoo

Currently Talking to: Nicole & Cameron

Current Location: R1, The computer in the corner.

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?

Finally. I've made my animation. I spent almost two hours today taking still images of different frames for my animation. It worked quite well. The only thing I had difficulty with was keeping the camera in the same position all of the way through. Other than that, it's quite consistant. I ended up taking about 50 different photographs although my animation is only designed to be 15 frames. I'm quite happy with the animation now; unfortunately I wasn't in the lesson to learn Flash so I'm going to have to catch up on that. I'm sure Mr. Miles won't mind helping me. So yeah. That's pretty much what I did today.

i P o d / L a p t o p

I got my new laptop on Monday. I'm so happy with it. It's all glossy and black and then the inside is white. It's major buff. I've also realised. If I keep adding the same amount of music I do to my iPod; then I will need a new one by Next Christmas. By then the new Classic will be out as will the new Nano. So i'll have a decision to make. Oh I love how poor I am at the moment. It's silly. My laptop isn't cheap and then there is my contract to pay for. Brilliant. Life is expensive.

F e a t u r e O f T h e W e e k
This week; we were asked to include a picture of a celebrity we admire and why we admire them. The celebrity that I admire is Rihanna. She's amazing. I could actually write a million words to tell you how I love Rihanna, but lets face it, it's a waste of my time writing it and a waste of your time to read it. Let's put it this way. I admire the way she grew up with such a bad childhood and the person that she's become. Her music is electric and I just love to listen to it. She is majorly buff. That is all. I love it.

T h o u g h t O f T h e W e e k :

"Life is what you make it."
posted by billyWATTS;; at 04:39 |