Wednesday 3 December 2008
Current Mood: Tired
Currently Listening To: Cascada - What Hurts The Most
Currently Talking to: Noone.
Current Location: R1, The computer in the corner.

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?
Well as my school has the most unorganised ICT department ever, we have had to stop doing our animations. This is because they haven't got Flash on all of the computers yet. I suppose I'll be 18 by the time that they do it. But that moan is for another time. Today we began the games unit. I've made my own version of Frogger on PowerPoint and began to use the GameMaker software. I don't like this unit if I'm honest. I don't play games nor do I want to sit and make them. I have better things to do with my time. I enjoy being creative with things. Like editing images, creating websites and making animations. Things that I may actually use in the future.

P e o p l e I n S c h o o l A n n o y M e
I really detest around 90% of the people in our Sixth Form. Half of them don't understand the process of growing up so they still find the most ridiculous things funny. It's like seriously, grow up. I also don't like the fact that people expect you to sink down to their level when your the one trying to grow up. This is probably why I enjoy work more than I do school. I prefer the more adult environment and having hands on experience with the 'outside world.' Sounds like I'm in Big Brother. But there we go. I can't believe the people in my year are like 17/18 and still act as if they are in Year 8. Idiots.

F e a t u r e O f T h e W e e k (s)

This week I'm going to include my animations that I have made for the upcoming blockbuster film, 'Australia.' I have enjoyed creating these as part of our Sixth Form Assessment Week.

T h o u g h t O f T h e W e e k (s):
"Life is simply a bunch of questions we weave with conversation."
posted by billyWATTS;; at 02:24 |