Wednesday 10 December 2008
Current Mood: Icky.

Currently Listening To: Beyonce Knowles - Green Light (Freemasons Remix)

Currently Talking to: Noone.

Current Location: R1, The computer in the corner.

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?

I'm well happy. As I said in my last post, we had a Sixth Form Assessment week. And Sir has just marked my work and I cannot believe I got 30/30. How quality! This has got to be onbe of the only times that I have ever got full marks on anything; which is absoloutly brilliant. Woop. But yeah, I put it all together and handed it in not too long ago. I have a tendancy to hand in work 'late' and I'm beginning to see a trend. When I gradually do the work I always end up with 'average' B/C grades but when I just go for it at short notice I always seem to get high marks? GCSE ICT, Science and Drama are proof enough for this. A* coursework in all of them. Funnily enough I didn't end up with any A* at GCSE. So this Assessment week counts. Especially as it was at Level 3 standard. Hello distinction!

T h i s W e e k e n d W a s T h e W o r s t

Well. I had a row with someone I considered a 'good' mate at work. Obviously not. Then I fell out with one of my managers. Oh, and my supervisor. So it wasn't the best weekend. However, that was the tip of the iceburg. I went to McDonalds at lunchtime on Sunday as we only have half an hour and it is the nearest place to get some lunch. So yeah. I eat the McDonalds and go back down to work. Right. It gets to Four o'clock and I realise that I'm hungry. Well. I thought I was. I got home and decided to eat. Big mistake. I had food poisoning. Everywhere; as you could imagine. I have never been so ill in my life. Urgh. I've lost weight and everything. Brilliant diet plan, bad lifestyle. So yeah, I am just feeling generally icky now. But I'm sure I'll be better come tomorrow/Friday. Well I hope I do!

F e a t u r e O f T h e W e e k

As it is like -15 days- to christmas, I've decided to include a Christmassy image this week.

T h o u g h t O f T h e W e e k:

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
posted by billyWATTS;; at 01:30 |