Wednesday 11 February 2009
Current Mood: Summery / Happy.
Currently Listening To: Rihanna - Disturbia
Currently Talking to: Nobody.
Current Location: R1, the computer in the corner.

F i r s t l y , W h y H a v e n ' t I B e e n P o s t i n g ?
Well there is a story behin the lack of posting lately. The week after the first post I was off school because I was ill and I completed the work as Mr Miles emailed it to me. So I completed a fair amount of work. And last week we only had one day in school becuase of the snow which was appauling. The day we were in was the Wednesday that I usually have iMedia but I was ill so I didn't come in; again, I did cover work at home.

W h a t T a s k s D i d I C o m p l e t e I n T o d a y s L e s s o n ?
Our tutor gave us the 'lesson off deadlines' today as it is approaching half term and all of us are getting tired with constant learning all the time. So he told us to create a piece of e-art for a school competition that is running. I kept my image basic, but effective. My image can be found in this weeks feature.

T h e W e a t h e r I n E n g l a n d I s A w f u l - P a r t T w o

Rawr. I cannot believe this country's inability to deal with a bit of snow. Okay, we had a weeks warning about the heavy snow we were going to get, but nobody, especially that clown that is incharge, Gordon Brown. You know, it really makes me bad. We could have easily come into school on the Tuesday or the Friday, but no, they decided that we couldn't. The price of education these days is obviously a bit of snow. I hate it. I'm bored of it and I wish that it would all just hurry up and melt!

F e a t u r e O f T h e W e e k

An image that I created for the Picture Competition.

L y r i c O f T h e W e e k
"Don't you know, you could go be your own miracle."
posted by billyWATTS;; at 02:05 |