Wednesday 18 March 2009

posted by billyWATTS;; at 02:35 | 0 comments
Wednesday 11 March 2009
’ t.h.e [ / d i g i t a l ] w o r l d ;

Windows Vista – Software - This is an operating system which is the base of a computer; allowing other software to be installed.
Internet Explorer – Software – This is a browser allowing the user to view pages on the World Wide Web.
iTunes – Software – This is a piece of software that allows the users to sort media into playlists, play media and add music to their iPods.
Yahoo Messenger – Software – An instant messaging client which allows users to interact with their contacts through text, audio or video.
Windows Live Messenger – Software – This is another instant messaging client which allows the user to interact with their contacts, manage emails, play games over the MSN network and set alerts for yourself.
Frostwire – Software – A P2P (Peer to Peer) network allowing file sharing.
Facebook - Database – A social networking website which stores users photos, videos and personal information.
MySpace – Database – Like Facebook, a social networking website which stores information on it’s users for others to view.
YouTube – Database – A database of user generated videos in which a wide variety of genres are available.
Mobile Phone (Sony Ericsson W910i displayed) ­– Hardware – A mobile phone contains contact information, allows to give/receive phone calls, send SMS/MMS messages and now allows users to manage their media with the use of expandable memory.
Vodafone (Network Provider) – Software – The network in which a mobile phone is ‘locked’ too provides software for the phone and it’s functions such as navigation, text messaging and camera.
Microsoft Office (Displayed with Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook logos) – Software – A package which allows the user to word process (Word), Create presentations easily (PowerPoint), Create spreadsheets (Excel) and manage a POP3 email account using Outlook. (e.g. Google Mail)
Laptop – Hardware – This is the unit used in order to use software such as operating systems, internet browsers and media players.
USB Memory Stick – Hardware – This facility allows the user to use ‘plug n play’ by inserting the memory stick via a USB port and then the computer recognising it as a Mass Storage Device and then storing files on it.
Speakers – Hardware- Allows sound to be played from the computer.
Webcam – Hardware – For use during an instant messaging conversation, allowing for video chat.
iPod (Nano, Video and Touch displayed) – Hardware – MP4 players which store a users music, videos, photos and contact information.

I decided to put my own spin on this piece of work and make it more of 'my own.' All images used were found using Google Image Search and are all products that I use.
posted by billyWATTS;; at 03:55 | 0 comments
Current Mood: Cold / Blunt.
Currently Listening To: Lady GaGa - Pokerface
Currently Talking to: Nobody.
Current Location: R1, the computer in the corner.

I R e a l l y N e e d T o S o r t T h i s B l o g O u t
I've attempted to post my blog so many times but the school keeps thinking this is some kind of social networking site. So i've had to wait for them to sort it out. I mean, I could have done it at home but it appears that I have the memory of a goldfish. So. Here it is. I've done quite a lot in terms of work. Today we started our 'assessments' although I thought that was what we have been doing the whole time. I really do not know where I am going with any of this.

D e c i s i o n s , D e c i s i o n s , D e c i s i o n s . . .
I am leaving here in May 2009. How exciting is that! I know what I want / need to do now in order to do what I would like when I am older. I'm glad I've had a year to think about it whilst gaining some qualifications. I'm off to college next year to do a business diploma which is equivalent to three A Levels. Okay Okay, I'll be a year back then everyone else, but as they say, things come to those who wait.

F e a t u r e O f T h e W e e k
Will appear in the next post; as it is a piece of work that needs to be posted on here...

L y r i c O f T h e W e e k
"I just can't get enough."

posted by billyWATTS;; at 03:45 | 0 comments
Wednesday 11 February 2009
Current Mood: Summery / Happy.
Currently Listening To: Rihanna - Disturbia
Currently Talking to: Nobody.
Current Location: R1, the computer in the corner.

F i r s t l y , W h y H a v e n ' t I B e e n P o s t i n g ?
Well there is a story behin the lack of posting lately. The week after the first post I was off school because I was ill and I completed the work as Mr Miles emailed it to me. So I completed a fair amount of work. And last week we only had one day in school becuase of the snow which was appauling. The day we were in was the Wednesday that I usually have iMedia but I was ill so I didn't come in; again, I did cover work at home.

W h a t T a s k s D i d I C o m p l e t e I n T o d a y s L e s s o n ?
Our tutor gave us the 'lesson off deadlines' today as it is approaching half term and all of us are getting tired with constant learning all the time. So he told us to create a piece of e-art for a school competition that is running. I kept my image basic, but effective. My image can be found in this weeks feature.

T h e W e a t h e r I n E n g l a n d I s A w f u l - P a r t T w o

Rawr. I cannot believe this country's inability to deal with a bit of snow. Okay, we had a weeks warning about the heavy snow we were going to get, but nobody, especially that clown that is incharge, Gordon Brown. You know, it really makes me bad. We could have easily come into school on the Tuesday or the Friday, but no, they decided that we couldn't. The price of education these days is obviously a bit of snow. I hate it. I'm bored of it and I wish that it would all just hurry up and melt!

F e a t u r e O f T h e W e e k

An image that I created for the Picture Competition.

L y r i c O f T h e W e e k
"Don't you know, you could go be your own miracle."
posted by billyWATTS;; at 02:05 | 0 comments
Wednesday 21 January 2009
Current Mood: Freezing Cold. Annoyed.
Currently Listening To: Aly & AJ - Potential Break Up Song
Currently Talking to: Noone.
Current Location: R1, the computer in the corner.

W h a t T a s k s D i d I C o m p l e t e I n T o d a y s L e s s o n ?
Okay so I learnt how to use flash properly today. Well, properly being the erm, word. I'm still not quite sureew with it but I'm sure with a bit more practice that I will come to terms with it. Anyway; Lewis helped me make an absoloutly quality picture; which can be found in these weeks feature. Yeah, also, I've been told that our Web Authoring Unit is going to be about A Garden Centre. Urgh. That's just an Epic Fail in itself. I so wish that we could choose our own topics. It'd be easier and people would probably get on with it.

T h e W e a t h e r I n E n g l a n d I s A w f u l
WHY is it so god damn cold? Seriously. It's not good. I'm sitting here next to the window and everyone is saying how they are so hot and have asked for the window to be opened. Not good! I'm so cold at the moment, I could become an eskimo. This is serious. I want Summer '09 to hurry up and hopefully we'll have some decent weather this year. Two years in a row we've had pretty awful weather. 2007 was Rihanna's fault with Umbrella; because the minute it hit number 1, the rain started. Funnily enough, the week she got knocked to Number 2, The weather seemed to improve. Last year was just rubbish. So we won't go there.

F e a t u r e O f T h e W e e k
An image that Lewis helped me create.

L y r i c O f T h e W e e k
"Every little thing I do, never seems enough for you."
posted by billyWATTS;; at 02:27 | 0 comments
Wednesday 14 January 2009
Current Mood: Content.
Currently Listening To: Flo Rida ft. T - Pain - Low
Currently Talking to: Noone.
Current Location: Laptop / Bedroom.

W h a t T a s k s D i d I C o m p l e t e I n T o d a y s L e s s o n ?
I completed quite a lot today. I finished my e-portfolio which i'm quite happy with. That only took me an hour and a half. Then because I've completed all my other work; I found the Web Authoring criteria from the iMedia website and began some of that. So I've nearly finished task one now, a good headstart. I hope we get to create a website that's really good and on something decent. Hint *cough* Big Brother.

T h e I d i o t s I n M y C l a s s
I would really like to ask my school why on earth they haven't kicked out some of the people that are in my class. It's ridiculous. It's becoming so annoying that I can't concentrate on any of my work and having to end up leaving it all to do at home, where I can actually get some peace. They are all quite pathetic. They look up pornographic material, constantly play games and sit on MSN the whole 4 hours a week. It's driving me mad. Not only that, they laugh so ridiculously at everything and would even find dog mess funny. Yeah, maturity in it's finest form if you ask me. Also, they find it funny to chat back to the teacher and seem to get some sort of kick out of it. It appears they were dragged up rather than brought up.

F e a t u r e O f T h e W e e k
I'm beginning to struggle with this. So I'm gunna leave you with a YouTube clip of my favourite Big Brother titles;

L y r i c O f T h e W e e k
"You're still the same old brand new you."
posted by billyWATTS;; at 07:47 | 0 comments
Wednesday 7 January 2009
Current Mood: Hungry.
Currently Listening To: Chris Brown ft. Dre - Flying Solo (Nicoles Blackberry)
Currently Talking to: Nicole.
Current Location: R1, The computer in the corner.

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?
I actually am surprised at the amount of work I completed today. I've completed the research phase of my project, a section that isn't compulsory but will give my advert production a bit of depth. Althought the project is due in today, i'll spend all day doing it and then emailing it to sir at some point tonight, so that he knows I have done the work. Other than that, I've gone at a pretty steady pace.

C h r i s t m a s / N e w Y e a r
Christmas was alright. It could have been a little better but there we go. That's all I'm going to say about the whole Christmas thing. The best thing about the holidays is the New Year. I absoloutly loved it. I worked all day until like 6pm then went home and started getting ready! Rarrr. It was SO good. Jade and Mia came to my house and we did some shots before going to Kates party. You don't realise how drunk you get off shots. But it happens. So we left the house and I felt tipsy already. I had drunk more than the shots, before you think I'm a lightweight. But yeah. Went to the party and got mashed! So good! Loved it. Didn't like the lecture or the fact I had work in the morning though...

F e a t u r e O f T h e W e e k
Coming Soon...

T h o u g h t O f T h e W e e k:
"Mother nature is your sister, therefore we are all brothers."
posted by billyWATTS;; at 03:09 | 0 comments