Wednesday 22 October 2008
Current Mood: Bored / Iritated
Currently Listening To: Rihanna ft. Jay-Z - Umbrella
Currently Talking to: Nick
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.

W e e k 6

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?

We don’t have a teacher today so we’re in the Sixth Form Common Room completing our projects. It’s scary that I’ve got to get through all of the Level 3 stuff in less than two days! It’s actually insane. But there we go that’s something I’m going to have to get done. So yeah, I’m nearly there with my project for the Level 2 qualification but I’ve got a little bit to go if I want to meet the Level 3 qualification I’m aiming for. By the looks of things though; I will do it to an average standard. Something I don’t want to have to face but you know, I’ll have to deal with it. I’m excited about starting our next unit. We’re now in groups for our ‘mock’ work; which is alright.

L a s t W e e k e n d w a s t h e b e s t !

Oh my good god. Last weekend was the absolute best ever. I went to Sherrie’s 18th Birthday Party at Bottles. Well the run down of my weekend was this; I went out with Katy to town to have a look for a few more things and that and just ended up getting deodorant & that. Not exactly the most exciting thing. I got a big fat McDonalds which was actually horrible because they filled my burger with pepper. Yeah, it weren’t good. So I went home after that and my mum was there going off on one over an argument she had had with my Nan. But yeah, I started to drink at about 4.30ish and was so until about half 8. Then I started to feel ill and waited for Grace, Liz and Kat to come pick me up. The drive there was actually so funny. We started bitching about some girl at work that thinks she can go around and talk about everyone. She needs to realise that she can’t go around talking about me. But anyway, I got there and started drinking again which was wicked. It’s brilliant, getting served at 16. But yeah, I remember dancing all night with these two girls then next thing I knew I was outside and their boyfriends were there. It’s alright, they obviously hadn’t seen me. So I felt alright. Anyway, I then went to the bar to get another WKD but they’d run out. Which kind of annoyed me, but I just went onto Smirnoff, which was all good. All in all, it was a brilliant weekend! Loved every second of it. No hangover either, which was a bonus.

F e a t u r e o f t h e W e e k :

This week I’m going to give my personal, ‘Top 10 Song’s of my Life.’ These songs are the songs that I can get up to anytime they come on and rave my life away majorly. I love good music and that. It’s brilliant. So yup, here is my top 10:

1. Rihanna ft. Jay z - Umbrella
2. Rihanna – Don’t Stop the Music
3. Jennifer lopez – Play
4. Beyonce & Shakira – Beautiful Liar
5. Booty Luv – Boogie2Nite
6. Cherish ft. Young Joc – Killa
7. Danielle Senior – Take it to the Dancefloor
8. The Pussycat Dolls – When I Grow Up
9. Diddy ft. Christina Aguilera – Tell Me
10. Christina Aguilera - Dirrty

T h o u g h t o f t h e W e e k :
“Life is like music. If you want to aim high, turn the volume up.”
posted by billyWATTS;; at 02:00 | 0 comments
Current Mood: Awake / Aware
Currently Listening To: Sophia Fresh Feat. Jay - Lives in the Club
Currently Talking to: Nobody
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.
W e e k 5

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?

Well I’ve nearly completed all of the Level 2 objectives and I’ve only now got a week until the whole thing has to be handed in. It’s going to involve a lot of hard work in the next week but I’m sure I’ll cope. I’m glad that I’ve nearly completed the bare minimum to get a qualification now; so I know I’ll get somewhere. Anyway; I didn’t do any work on my project until Period 3. Periods 1 & 2 we looked at uploading these diary entries onto an online blog and then we started a group activity where we have to provide a learning tool for students lower down in the school. I’ve been put into a fairly good group and hopefully we’ll actually just get on with it. I’m with Cameron, Jordan, Andrew, Sam and Blake. Cameron is our manager but I was appointed Assistant Manager so not all is bad. Jordan’s our Supervisor and then the other three are staff members. I think I said previously I don’t do losing; and that applies here. I’m out to win.

E x c i t e m e n t f o r t h e w e e k e n d ;

I’m so excited for this weekend. Weekends are usually really rubbish as I just work the whole time. But no, I’ve got this weekend off and I’m going to enjoy it best I can. It hasn’t been too long since my last weekend off. I never had a weekend off until September; which looks good but is bad because I lost out on holiday pay! But yeah, I’ve booked the weekend off for two main reasons. The first being Steph has the weekend after off and we’re not allowed to book November, December or January off. The more difficult thing is; Jack, Steph and I have to book our holidays and make sure they are all alright with one another. The reason for this is because we’re the only Customer Service trained staff in at the weekend. The other reason is that it’s Sherrie’s 18th Party at Bottles on Saturday night. It’s going to be quality. Grace is coming to mine in the evening and we’re going to drink a bit each; then get a taxi to the Old Town. Then rave up the night. Woo. Alcohol + Music + Mates = SATURDAY NIGHT. I cannot wait.

F e a t u r e o f t h e W e e k :

Mr Miles has decided to change the whole ‘lets find an image’ theme to our diaries this week. This time we have to find a YouTube video that we like and explain why we like it. I’m going to be original and choose a music video because I’m like that. The best music video in my honest opinion would be Rihanna’s Nike Version of SOS. The normal video was a bit dry and I didn’t really like it. Nike sponsored Rihanna to record a music video that they could use and they came up with great choreography in a club. I love it. Here is the link;

T h o u g h t o f t h e W e e k :
“Life is like a bowl of chilli’s.”
posted by billyWATTS;; at 01:51 | 0 comments
Wednesday 15 October 2008
Current Mood: Normal
Currently Listening To: Rihanna - We Ride
Currently Talking to: Nobody
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.

W e e k 4

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?

I haven’t got very far in terms of my coursework but we had a go at digital animation to see where we were with it and what we could do. I created my own characters on PowerPoint and animated them. I’m about to move onto Task 3 now and that involves me editing an image so far so that it reaches magazine standard. A bit like having a picture of a tacky celebrity and airbrushing it so much so they become much more appealing to the reader. But I don’t know what image to use for this; I may just pick an image with both people and landscape in it. That way you can maximise your editing and can edit it so that both factors are brought out immensely. I’m very happy with where I am with my coursework but I have a long way to go if I’m to get the ‘Distinction’ at Level 3 that I’m aiming for.

A f e w s n a p s h o t s o f m y a n i m a t i o n ;

I m a g e o f t h e W e e k :
This week were we again asked to find an image of flower that makes us say ‘Wow.’ But this time we had to find it with the new knowledge this unit has taught us. I found this image on Google and I really like it. The sharpness of the petals and the blurred background really make the image more appealing. I’ve applied a template of the rule of thirds over the top of the image to see if the image is on any of the focus points. The only thing I’ve found is that the edge of the petals are on focus lines but nothing in particular are where the lines cross. The main focus of the flower is the centre and it fills almost all of the middle section. This image is very powerful.

T h e W e e k s j u s t D i s s a p e a r

The weeks just seem to fly by nowadays. I’m at school five days a week and then; the weekends here. That means time for work. Brilliant. I’m joking, I enjoy work. I prefer it because people there are a little more mature than people at school. It’s got to the point where I cannot stand people at school.

T h o u g h t o f t h e W e e k :
“The more you put into life, the more of a star you’ll become.”
posted by billyWATTS;; at 02:03 | 0 comments
Current Mood: Normal
Currently Listening To: Enrique Iglesias & Kelis - Not in Love
Currently Talking to: Nobody
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.

W e e k 3

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?

I’ve completed all of Task One now and I’m pretty much done with Task 2. I need to just touch up on some of my details and descriptions but other than that, I’m getting on perfect with it. I went home after Period 2 today not only because I was ill but because I wanted quiet time to myself to complete the tasks. Also, I have photo editing software at home and it’s much easier to use software that you’re familiar with. I get on quite well with it at home and was able to demonstrate most of the different types of editing that I said I would. This only leaves a few to do next week but I’m getting on really well with it. It’s great that I’m on the Level 3 course as well; because Level 2 was okay but my abilities stretch a lot further than that.

B i l l y W a t t s v . s N i c o l e R i d l e y

That’s it. Me and Nicole are planning to go head to head with this subject and are out to get better marks than one another. We’re pretty good mates outside of the subject but within it we’ve decided to sit away from each other and not talk to each other. It’s good like that because then Nicole and I can present our work to each other in the long run and bring together both of our creative abilities and learn from one another. It’s good that I have a bit of competition within the class because it will now encourage me to work even harder than I already am. I’ll tell you now, I don’t do losing so Nicole better get ready.

I m a g e o f t h e W e e k :

This week we were asked to include a picture of our favourite cartoon character. I’ve chosen everybody’s favourites Tom & Jerry. I believe these were the two characters that launched comedy amongst children’s television. I remember watching them when I was young so that is probably why I’ve chosen them. I think it’s quite silly how the press have said Tom & Jerry is a violent cartoon; it’s just for comic value.

T h e E n t e r t a i n m e n t H a p p e n i n g s

I think the world of television and celebrity culture is going beyond ridiculous. I’m being serious now. Some celebrities are so up themselves it’s unbelievable and I cannot even for one second think why they would do it. They think that ‘working – class’ people are ‘average’ although the last time I remembered; we were the ones that put them where they are. For example, we buy singers albums so therefore the money in their pockets is ours. Oh yes, then you have the pathetic, fake culture of the television. Programmes such as ‘The X Factor’ or as I like to call it, ‘The fiXed Factor,’ are just too cringe-worthy nowadays. It’s so obvious from the word go who is going to win; as it is usually the person that cries throughout and is shown at every possible moment of air time. I can tell you now; Austin will win ‘The X Factor.’ If I’m wrong, I’m wrong, but the amount of time he’s been given on that show is catastrophic. The only decent reality TV show around these days is Big Brother. That’s all I’m going to say on the matter.

T h o u g h t o f t h e W e e k :
“Bigger things only come to those with bigger dreams, goals and imaginations.”
posted by billyWATTS;; at 01:58 | 0 comments
Current Mood: Normal
Currently Listening To: Sam Sparro - Black & Gold
Currently Talking to: Nobody
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.

W h a t d o I t h i n k o f t h e c o u r s e s o f a r?

Well after being on the course for a week now, I’ve really enjoyed it. I think it’s quite funny how some of the people in our class are still struggling behind after 3 weeks when I have done it in 1. It’s really not that difficult. The course is really good and has helped me understand the digital and photography world a little more. As I said last week, it’s great that such a course has been created.

W h a t t a s k s d i d I c o m p l e t e d u r i n g t o d a y s l e s s o n s ?

I had done most of Task 1 at home anyway but today I completed my work on the rules of photography and then completed a step by step guide on how to upload images to the computer. Then in my last hour lesson of this week I’m currently doing my diary. The first task was fairly simple and I hope that Mr Myles enters me into the Level 3 course which is worth UCAS Points. Going to university seems pretty bleak at the moment as my concentration levels in my lessons seems to have gone down hill rapidly.

I m a g e o f t h e W e e k :
This is my favourite image that I have found on the internet this week. I like this image because of the use of different tones. The shades of black, white and grey make this image very powerful. I also like the use of ‘texture’ in this image. It isn’t very often that OI find a black and white image that looks so good.

The image is set in New York; usually a very busy place during the daytime. However, I like the way the photographer has used the colour and the weather to create a very sadistic image.

A f t e r a l l t h a t , H e r e c o m e s t h e m o a n i n g . . .

I’m really beginning to get fed up with some people. People need to realise how pathetic they’re behaving and what impacts it’s having on other people. The difference between Year 11 and Year 12 is quite mammoth and some people still haven’t come to terms with that. A majority of the people that used to cause the arguments have left now and are onto better things such as college, full time work etc. However, a very small proportion of these ‘people’ are still at Sixth Form.

I really just want to get on with my A Levels and just pass with the best possible grade I can get. Mind you, I don’t think everything is going perfectly. These people in particular claim to be ‘close mates’ of mine and yet I’ve heard them saying some pretty nasty stuff. Such things have honestly hurt me in a way because I don’t appreciate being called the supposed ‘nastiest word’ in the English Language. I think it’ll be best if I just rise above what their trying to throw at me and get on with my education. That deserves the most attention at the moment.

T h o u g h t o f t h e W e e k :
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

posted by billyWATTS;; at 01:48 | 0 comments

Current Mood: Normal
Currently Listening To: Mad'House - Like A Prayer
Currently Talking to: Nobody
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.

W e e k 1

F i r s t I m p r e s s i o n s

Well after having a fairly unsettled start to my A Levels, I’ve started the course a week later than I should have. I had my first two lessons of iMedia today and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it! I’ve had a look at the topics that we are studying this year and I’m very happy with the ones we are doing. The units we are going to be studying are:

Unit 1 – Digital Graphics
Unit 2 – Web Authoring
Unit 3 – Digital Animation
Unit 6 – Digital Video
Unit 7 – 2D Game Engines

The subject does look interesting and I have been debating whether to take it since I started thinking about my A Levels in Year 11. Although the course is only a ‘Level 2’ qualification; the course appealed to me more so I disregarded the fact we were starting at Level 2 and then have to build on that to start Level 3. There is also a bonus with this course. That is that I get on really well with our teacher. I had him for GCSE ICT last year and I loved it. He’s a legend. Anyway, back to iMedia. It really has fascinated and will allow me to express myself in a digital way. It’s great that such qualification has been invented!

W h y h a v e I t a k en i M e d i a ?

I decided to take iMedia because I’m not only interested with Media in the 21st Century but I like to get involved with technology and ICT. This then allows me to build up my skills and knowledge of new gadgets that come out. It’s true what they say; boys like to have their toys. That saying is especially true with me; I love learning about new technology. iMedia seemed like the perfect subject for me in a way I suppose. It’s going to allow me to express my interests and create media for other people to view.

I’m still pretty unsure about what I would like to do after I have finished my education. However, I do know that ICT will be more and more involved with professions as time goes on. So whatever I decide to do; this course will definitely help me.

I m a g e o f t h e W e e k
We were asked to find a picture of a flower that makes us say ‘Wow’ this week. This is my personal favourite from the internet. I think that the photographer has managed to capture the flower in such an effective angle; it makes the flower look 3D as oppose to a flat photograph. The sharpness of the petals is amazing. It really does have a good impact on the viewer. The colours look awesome too. It is really effective to have such a vibrant flower in a photograph like this because it adds so much more character than ‘normal’ plants such as daisies and dandelions.

T h o u g h t o f t h e W e e k
“Live everyday as if it was your last. Then do the same tomorrow.”

posted by billyWATTS;; at 01:38 | 0 comments
Current Mood: Bored / Content
Currently Listening To: Justin Timberlake & Beyonce Knowles - Until the End of Time (Remix)
Currently Talking to: Nobody
Current Location: R1, The Computer in the corner.

Welcome to my iMedia Blog! I'm used to using Blogspot anyway so to put all my posts online will make things a lot easier. Not only that; it's easier to have it all in one place. I don't particulary want my blog to be linked to everyone elses because people tend to steal ideas and don't have any originality. I know I'll be annoyed with it so I'm gunna see if I can have my blog seperate to everyone elses. I don't mind at the end of the course. But there we go. This post is only a small introduction to my iMedia Blog; I'll have to start uploading my diary entries soon. Theres quite a few on here I need to upload. So I'm going to finish it here and get on with editing my blog and making it look alright. Laters.
posted by billyWATTS;; at 01:16 | 0 comments